Dem Bones

Some people believe that beauty is only skin deep and then there are those twisted souls who believe that real beauty lies just beneath the flesh and can only really shine through once the skin has been shed. Some people collect art and antiques, but these other collectors have their sights set on even rarer heirlooms.


Please don’t be alarmed I’ve got the heart of a child
It’s actually one of many that I’ve slowly compiled
You have looks to die for and a brain to match
I promise to remove it all without a scratch

Lest we forget about your ravishing eyes
I’d love to see them both immaculately excised
Now whatcha got hiding under all that meat
I don’t believe that beauty’s only skin deep

We all amass ghosts of our past
I display mine under glass
Perfection is fleeting
Commence the bleeding
And now I must propose
We dig dem bones

I bid you welcome my guest
I have something to get off my chest
I am a fan to some degree of curiosities
Now now don’t you fret
I have a spot for all of my guests
On the mantel or the bookcase
I can always make some space
All the beauty of our days
A shame its got to wither away
You’ll live on rest assured
And forever be preserved

From here on in you shall never age
Formaldehyde will keep those effects at bay
A piece of my collection always on display
An object to admire like a lost Monet

Everybody shuns their skeleton
And hides it from all the fun
Elbow grease and soap
Will remove your pulp
And it’ll polish like a stone
When I scrub dem bones

I bid you welcome my guest
I have something to get off my chest
I am a fan to some degree of curiosities
Now now don’t you fret
I have a spot for all of my guests
On the mantel or the bookcase
I can always make some space
All the beauty of our days
A shame its got to wither away
You’ll live on rest assured
And forever be preserved

Well is there something wrong with me
I prefer my friends deceased
Disassembled and put on display
Deep inside these hallowed halls
Your bones will decorate the walls
Safe from inevitable decay
You’ll soon agree that life is better
Without all that pesky leather
Skin is overrated can’t you see
Would you prefer to rot and mold
In a grave that’s damp and cold
Or join my esteemed menagerie

Or you could choose to just grow old
Journey into the unknown
Spend your last breath all alone
Death waiting to lash out
Will you become history
Or a sight for all to see
You must believe when I decree
It’s what’s inside that counts

We all amass ghosts of our past
I display mine under glass
Perfection is fleeting
Commence the bleeding
And now I must propose
We dig dem bones

~Lyrics By Curtis Rx


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